GumGum x Frameplay significantly increased ad recall for the Johnsonville brand

The GumGum Team on retreat in Ojai


Johnsonville tasked GumGum, along with Frameplay, to test the effectiveness of their ads in a gaming environment.

The GumGum Team on retreat in Ojai

Methodology & Strategy

As a result of our partnership with Frameplay, GumGum is now able to offer our clients the opportunity to tap into a highly engaged gaming audience via an extensive network of premium games.

Frameplay served the Johnsonville ad across a number of contextually relevant game genres, including sports, casual and simulation games. GumGum and Frameplay utilized Comscore to measure overall campaign performance through a brand lift study.

Performance & Results

GumGum x Frameplay drove significant lift to ad recall for the Johnsonville brand.

+13.7 pts
“Likely to purchase Johnsonville Sausage”
+40.4 pts
Like the brand’s sponsorship of a game
+35.2 pts
Lift in Mobile Ad Recall
+23.4 pts
Fit as a Game Sponsor


These results surpassed industry benchmarks for each category, helping Johnsonville achieve their campaign goals. According to Comscore, the standard industry benchmarks are single-digit brand lifts. Mobile norms include +9.1 pts for mobile ad recall and +3.3 pts for purchase intent. Additionally, mobile norms for CPG brands are typically +7.5 pts for mobile ad recall and +4.4 pts for purchase intent.

Frameplay campaigns produce consistently strong brand lift results. GumGum is excited to continue offering its clients the opportunity to tap into Intrinsic In-Game advertising with Frameplay.

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