State of Data Town Hall: Future of Contextual

GumGum CGO Ben Plomion was recently featured on IAB's State of Data Town Hall: The Future of Contextual panel to discuss the role and importance of contextual solutions in fast-approaching cookie-less world.

GumGum CGO Ben Plomion and top industry leaders recently sat down for a chat at IAB's State of Data Town Hall: The Future of Contextual panel. The conversation focused on the recent findings from the IAB State of Data Initiative 2021, the race to first party data and the future of contextual in a cookie-less world.

Here are some of the key highlights from the  discussion: that I hope you'll find informative and useful.

The Digital Advertising Industry is at a Crossroads

With an increase in user privacy and constant changes in technology, our industry is in state of transition. With third-party cookies on their way out, 67% of data marketers are on the hunt of effective solutions.

Contextual Tech has Advanced by Leaps and Bounds

With advancements in AI technology, contextual solutions have become extremely effective. GumGum's contextual intelligence engine, Verity™ can comprehensively analyze text and image content  to derive human-like understanding of a page.

Brands Have an Appetite for Contextual

The global interest in contextual advertising is increasing across digital advertising in areas such as video, social and gaming. With the right contextual provider, brands can elevate and scale their campaigns.

To watch the full video replay, please click below.


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